Simone Campedelli describes the great attack between Ghimbegna and Perinaldo

The Cesena driver with a double show of pride on the two long stages overturns the result in his favour of the afternoon part of the first stage. Still to be contested is the very long Ghimbegna-Soldano wth the headlights on and tomorrow’s six tests, for the second day.

SANREMO (IM), 18 October – Three special stages completed and the fight at the 71st Rallye Sanremo immediately became hot. Great performance of Andrea Crugnola in the Montalto-Molini di Triora stage, vehement reply of Simone Campedelli in the next two stages with the driver from Cesena taking the lead.

Simone Campedelli-Tania Canton (in the lead). ‘Very difficult race, but so far everything has worked out for the best. In the two long tests I gave my best by attacking and I was rewarded with the lead in the classification. Winning at Sanremo would be a dream, but the race is still long and we are keeping our feet on the ground.’

Giandomenico Basso-Lorenzo Granai (second at 1”7). ‘The Ghimbegna-San Romolo was very difficult, it felt like racing on snow. This Sanremo is very demanding, but so far so good.’

Andrea Crugnola-Pietro Ometto (third at 8”7, after winning the TV opening special stage). ‘We are exactly where we want to be and there were no problems whatsoever. It’s true that there are no championships at stake and so we are only racing amimg to win, but the two long tests were so tricky that we don’t want to take any risks. I have absolutely no desire to return my C3 all wrinkled up.’

Paolo Andreucci-Rudy Briani (fourth at 15”6). ‘We are working on the development of tyres on asphalt and we are moving in this direction. Of course we used to start in Sanremo to win and conquer championships, but times change.’

Andrea Mabellini-Virginia Lenzi (fifth at 25”6). ‘I have no feeling with the car and I don’t understand. I am the same as always, but something is wrong today.’

Marco Signor-Daniele Michi (sixth at 26”0). ‘On Ghimbegna touch the right rear, the car took off and I don’t know why. Otherwise everything is fine.

In the Zone-2 Rally Cup standings, Federico Santini-Marco Barsotti are leading with 7 seconds on the winner of the recent Rally delle Palme Federico Gangi with Fabrizia Pons at the pace notes, then Elwis Chentre-Federico Boglietti at 13.3 seconds, with a lead of just 2/10 over Jacopo Araldo and Lorena Boero. After three rounds, 106 crews of the 110 started are still in the race.

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